On the same day President Bush signed the Military Commissions Act of 2006, a judge in Houston revoked the late Ken Lay’s fraud and conspiracy conviction like it never happened. This double whammy hit me hard enough to finally fight back, write back. Here’s something you can do that is worthwhile, and I am asking you as a friend to participate.
Go to moveon.org and start making calls to boost voter participation on election day this Tuesday. As a marketer I know phone calls work to remind people to come to an event. The event is your country. I know all of you who read my blog, and I feel like I can perhaps nudge you a bit. Consider yourself nudged.
It’s not hard. I am not an expert at making calls. I am far from an expert at knowing what is going on politically. MoveOn has all the info ready for you, a practice page, a cheat sheet, and they encourage you to be yourself. They have chosen the most important races to call on, and are using targeted lists of people who might not vote. I know you all have computer access and a phone. And I know you have a conscience.
I am the last person in my family to go to peace rallies or volunteer for the Green party or attend a political function. So if I am calling for change, then I must be tipping the balance. I am the Hundredth Monkey.
OK, I’ll admit, calling isn’t easy either. Out of the 21 calls I made this morning on behalf of the Democratic running for senator in Missouri, Claire McCaskill, I got hung up on 4 times, got an answering machine or disconnected number 13 times, got 2 people who told me they are voting for Claire and one woman who explained her family abstains from voting because they are Jehovah’s Witnesses.
It’s not too late, either. If you are reading this on Monday, you should know that the final days before an election are the most critical.
Yes, I’m using my blog for political purposes. Yes, I believe the 2004 election was stolen. Yes, I am a Green party member calling for the Democrats. Yes, I left the background of a logo white on my sea-green page. I am full of paradoxes, and one of them is believing we can undo some of the horror the Republicans have created.
Gotta start somewhere!